No one can be good at everything. But everyone is good at something. It is sometimes easy to compare ourselves to others rather than focusing on our individual strengths. This can be hugely discouraging and can affect our performance by triggering negative thoughts and feelings that in turn, influence our actions.

We can take a moment to identify and acknowledge our mental, physical and social strengths and then see them as key resources to draw on every day.

By taking a critical look at what we are good at, we can focus on our strengths and utilise them with confidence whenever we approach a new challenge.



Knowing your strengths means you will have a better understanding of how and when you are functioning at your best. If you are finding something difficult that you normally count as one of your strengths, this could be an indicator that you need a break.

When we focus on our strengths, we are more likely to succeed. This results in greater confidence and higher self-esteem, positive feelings, positive thoughts and in turn, positive actions.

You may wish to remind yourself about how our thoughts, feelings, behaviours and our physical self are all linked and constantly influencing each other. If required, follow the link to understand more about the Cognitive Behaviour Model and how undertaking this exercise will help you to think and feel more positively about yourself and thereby work towards unlocking your potential.

Like many of the Peak State tools, Strengths Identification works well in conjunction with other techniques. Why not check out Self Awareness of Values, Positive Self Talk and Goal Setting.


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  • CHECK: Check in with yourself. How are you feeling right now? Are your thoughts and feelings helping you to perform at your potential?

  • CHALLENGE: Do you realise your own strengths or have you been stuck in a cycle of repeated behaviours without much progress and without any analysis?

  • CHANGE: Ask yourself whether you know your own strengths.

    Perhaps you are hard working, a team player, forgiving, resourceful, funny, selfless, intelligent, open minded or kind?

    This is just a very short list of suggestions but you can create your own list; your top ten strengths and positive attributes. Identify your top three and consciously use them every day, at home and/or at work

    Are there strengths from your list that you are not utilising? How can you bring them into play?


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