Have you noticed that you can be your own harshest critic?
Think about the last time you were faced with a challenge that didn’t go so well…did you walk away with positive thoughts about next time or did you ‘beat yourself up?’ Perhaps you didn’t even start the challenge because you convinced yourself beforehand that you might fail.
Words are powerful. Including the words that we use in our own minds.
If we get into the healthy habit of using positive phrases to ourselves before a challenge and seeking out positives - even in failure - we will create more positive feelings within ourselves that will in turn, contribute to positive outcomes.
This doesn’t mean setting unrealistic goals and expectations, but it does mean that we talk to ourselves with kindness, compassion and encouragement. Use words and phrases in your own mind that you would use to help your best friend.
This powerful mental fitness strategy is especially used in sport, to ensure a positive frame of mind during training and big game days. So be mindful that the words and thoughts we use with ourselves will affect our level of performance, general wellbeing and self-confidence.
By being mindful of how we talk to ourselves, we can affect how we feel, affect how we behave and ultimately influence our performance.
Choosing encouraging, constructive and supportive words and phrases to describe ourselves and our actions will help build our mental fitness and will contribute to success in upcoming tasks.
Look back at the Cognitive Behaviour Model to remind yourself how our thoughts, feelings, behaviours and our physical self are all linked and influence each other.
Like many of the Peak State techniques, Positive Self Talk will work well in conjunction with other tools. Why not check out Self Compassion, Goal Setting and Visualisation?
CHECK: Check in with yourself.
Are the words and phrases you’re using to describe your performance or your expected outcomes positive and helpful?
CHALLENGE: If the words and phrases you’re using in your head are negative, take a moment and judge whether they are kind, constructive or even warranted.
Ask yourself – would I use these words or phrases when talking to anyone else?
CHANGE: Imagine that you are watching your best friend undertake the same challenge you are experiencing. Imagine they are achieving the same results. What words or phrases would you use to support their efforts? How would you coach your friend to help them succeed?
These are the same words that you should be using to coach yourself.