Being creative is a powerful way to keep mentally fit. Being creative even just for a few minutes each day can help us enter a positive state of mind. Being creative can mean different things to different people. Whether you express creativity through art, cooking, music or trying new experiences…it doesn’t matter.
And it really doesn’t matter if your creation will never be at the standard to feature in an art gallery…just sketching in a notebook counts as being creative and will contribute to your mental fitness.
If there is something that you do the same every day, maybe try doing it differently.
You might take the same route home from work – take a detour and see if you can discover a new coffee shop or park with a beautiful view. Add a new ingredient to that dish you always make, or just pick up a pad of paper and start doodling…see what’s on the page after 15 minutes.
Maybe you could go through your phone and choose 20 photos to print off and put in a scrap book, change up your exercise regime, create a short video from all the footage on your phone, find a new walking route to go on, read a new book or pick up an instrument – these are all options worth considering and you’ll think of many more.
It doesn’t matter if your creation works or not, all that matters is that you’ve given your mind the opportunity to practise being flexible, resourceful and this in time will contribute to your mental fitness.
Start with just 15 minutes a day – although if you want to do more, that’s great.
CHECK: Take a pause and check in with yourself. How are you feeling? Are your thoughts and behaviours helpful?
CHALLENGE: If you don’t think you’re creative, challenge that thought. Be experimental and try different activities that require you to be resourceful.
CHANGE: Give yourself permission to take a break and don't just head to the coffee machine! Get outdoors, take a walk in the fresh air and find a green space where you can take ten undistracted minutes.
Avoid the temptation of your phone
Take a minute to be interested in your surroundings
Use as many senses as you can
Look and see what wildlife is around
Smell the scent of a flower
Feel the bark of a tree
Listen to the sounds all around you