Tatiana Blatnik, Founder of Breathe at European Parliament

"The stronger your roots, the more you can branch out."

March 4th, 2024: Across Europe, sharing stories and tools for physical and emotional recovery
Art is a way to share our stories with others.

Tatiana Blatnik attended the opening of the photography exhibition “Women Carry the World” featuring portraits by photographer Lekha Singh. Each image tells a story, helping to create visible

The collection of photographs was on display last week in Brussels at the Paul-Henri Spaak Building of the European Parliament. The exhibition arrived at the political centre of Europe for International Women's Day to promote a message of collaboration, partnership, and empowerment.

"I am reminded of the women who made me the woman I am today," Blatnik said. "Having lost my father at a young age, I was raised by my mother and by strong women. They kept me safe and nurtured me with love. And that is what women do: we carry each other."

Blatnik is the founder of Breathe Hellas, a mental health movement in Greece that is building a platform for resilient communities and advocacy that calls for recognizing mental health as a human right. Breathe offers tools for mental and physical fitness that are universally accessible and spreading a message that no one is alone. "Let this exhibition serve as a reminder of the incredible strength and resilience of

women everywhere, starting here, from the Centre of Europe," Blatnik said, explaining that stronger connections will help ensure that women everywhere can have access to safe places for recovery and resilience.


Breathe at the College Year Athens